AtholUU E-Newsletter – December 14, 2016

WORSHIP SCHEDULE    All worship services begin at 10:00 AM. Dec. 18   Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols                  Edith Watson, Organist                  Rev. Marilyn Richards                      followed by Christmas Party! Winter break follows EVENTS Christmas Party, Dec. 18th after our Christmas Worship Service *  Holiday Card Exchange  — list of attendees names next to … [Read more…]

AtholUU E-Newsletter – December 7, 2016

WORSHIP SCHEDULE    All worship services begin at 10:00 AM. Dec. 11  “The Magic of Love – Christmas 2016”    Rev. Marilyn Richards                      followed by Mission Statement Meeting About the sermon: Acknowledging the anxiety and fear that the future holds for many, it is good to remember that our religion holds an old fashioned, well … [Read more…]