AtholUU E-Newsletter – June 15, 2016

   All worship services begin at 10:00 AM

June 19th   “Religious Beginnings in Massachusetts.”  by Christopher Coyle
                            our church historian, and regular preacher.

                      Held at the Athol Historical Society, 1307 S Main St, Athol, MA 01331
                          the large yellow building above the street.
followed by Strawberry Social at the Athol Historical Society

June 26th    “Bloom Where You Are Planted –  with Flower Communion”          
                      Rev Marilyn Richards

The time of the Summer Solstice is the beginning of reliably warm weather, abundant food and  good times ahead.  All will be well again, we know.

The Flower Communion is a Unitarian Universalist communion service.
Everyone is asked to bring a flower.  Please bring whatever flower you like.
We celebrate diversity!  . For example, little children often like to bring dandelions.  We will have a vase and small bowel to collect the flowers brought to the service on the marble topped table in the Chapel.  When the service begins, the flower vase and bowl are placed next to the chalice on the table during the service.   At the end of the service, everyone takes a different flower home.  There will be extra flowers for those who forgot.

July 3rd    TED and Response by Steve Wills
                 “July 4th and the Right to Choose Your Own Bathroom”

July 10    Rev. Richards preaching

July 17    Rev. David Farrington


Strawberry Social will be held on June 19th, after Chris Coyle’s worship service at the Athol Historical Society.

Board of Management‘s first meeting of the Church Year will be on Sunday, June 26, 2016 after coffee hour.


The Annual Meeting voted in the following officers and new committee chairs

President:  Edith Watson
Vice President :  Sue Ray
Treasurer:  Donna Ballentine
Clerk: Steve Wills
Collector:  Steve Wills

Edith Watson  term ends 2017-2018
Sue Ray           term ends 2018-2019
Steve Wills      term ends 2019-2020

Standing Committee Chairs

Kathy Richards as Chair of the Standing Religious Education Committee
Steve Wills as Chair of Finance Committee
Bette Martin as Chair of BUilding and Grounds Committee
Edith Watson as Chair of Worship and Music Committee



from This Day In Unitarian Universalist History by Frank Schulman

Martin Kolmancschi, a Calvinist leader, left Transylvania safely after losing a public theological debate to Unitarian, Francis David.

After the Massachusetts Puritan Commonwealth lost a two-year struggle to prevent the King of England from installing a royally appointed governor, King’s Chapel in Boston was established as a house of worship for the new royal appointees.  It was the first Anglican Church in New England. The Puritans refused to give any good land for the purpose, so King’s Chapel was built on part of a public graveyard (poor yard).   In 1785, the congregation adopted Socinian (Unitarian) alterations to the Book of Common Prayer and the King’s Chapel became the first Unitarian church in the New World. 

Hajom Kissor Singh was born in the Khasi Hills of the state of Meghalaya in Northeast India, where he lived all his life. A member of the Reformed Church (Calvinist) he found their teachings about Hell unacceptable. He developed Unitarian beliefs and began preaching them, although he did not know of the Unitarian movement.  He learned of Unitarianism through a missionary, named Charles Dall.  Dall sent him works by William Ellergy Channing (the same book we found in the church attic).  Inspired, Singh founded the Unitarian church in Jowai, India, now the headquarters of the Indian Council of Unitarian Churches. 

Rev. William Sinkford was born in California.  Sinkford was elected the first African-American President of the UUA in 2001 and served two terms.